Champions Cup 2004

a cura di Webmaster F.I.D.
[Teams] [Results] [Standings] [Program] [Rules] [Forum]
[Round 1] [Round 2] [Round 3] [Round 4] [Round 5] [Games] [PDN]

Wednesday, May 12
21.00 Sala Congressi Palazzetto dello Sport: Opening Cerimony

Thursday, May 13
 8.30 Palazzetto dello Sport: first round
14.30 Trip to Genova Aquarium
(no charge for players, to the others will be offered the trip but not the entrance ticket)

Friday, May 14
 8.30 Palazzetto dello Sport: second round
14.30 Palazzetto dello Sport: third round
21.00 "Concerto Classico Lirico" (Lirical Concert)

Saturday, May 15
 8.30 Palazzetto dello Sport: fourth round
15.00 Giardino delle Boschine: International Champion in Simoultaneous Matches
following "Dama Vivente" (Living Draughts)
21.00 Ristorante Parco: Election of "Miss Varazze in Europa" (possibility of dinner on the reefs by the sea, typical raw & cooked fish, preferential price 30 euro)

Sunday, May 16
 8.30 Palazzetto dello Sport: fifth round and eventual barrages
16.00 Sala Congressi Palazzetto dello Sport: prizegiving and Closing Cerimony

Additional events will be organized by the integrated centres of Varazze.
Every player will have use of complete hospitality for himself, and bed & breakfast for 4 companions.
The entrance is free for every related event.

1st team: 1.500 euro
2nd team: 900 euro
3rd team: 600 euro
Additional prizes will be offered by Traders and Innkeepers Associations of Varazze.